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Lee Needham, Certified Hypnotherapist, C.Ht.

Lee Needham, Health Center of Hillsborough hypnotistIn an everchanging world we all go through challenges. The question has always been how to cope, function and overcome obstacles. As a young man, Lee knew the importance of the impact of addictions, as his own father was an alcoholic. Lee knew then that he would want to help people overcome their addictions.

Lee Needham, is a Certified Hypnotherapist through the National Guild of Hypnotist and the American Board of Hypnotherapy. His passion is working with clients to “Overcome their Obstacles.” It is very rewarding and gives him great joy to be a part of someone’s personal growth and well-being. With over 30 years experience in the health field he has been honored to serve people from all walks of life, including doctors, Personal Trainers and Athletes, as well as teens and seniors.

Lee can be contacted at 919-824-8960

Lee has an exceptionally high success rate. Yes, that is correct! As a Hypnotherapist he has helped clients from around the globe achieve their goals in a minimal amount of sessions. Whether it’s Weight Loss, Quit Smoking, Overcoming Fears, etc.

Upon completing the Advanced Hypotherapy coursework, he soon became a Guest Expert at the Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced Hypnosis workshops assisting students in believing in their abilities to overcome obstacles and fine-tune their skills. Along with Hypnosis, Lee learned Neuro-Linguistic-Programming–NLP, Time Techniques, Regression and Parts Therapies that work well in this practice as well as a graduate of the Silva Method and also as a Personal Trainer.

While there are different philosophies, styles and techniques of Hypnosis and ways of getting results, they are all imperative to success. Lee goes to the root cause of the issue to assist people to help themselves. No cookie cutter approach here. He uses an individual approach; everyone is unique in their own journey, well-being and approach. When possible Lee takes the simplest and quickest path to get their desired results.

What Hypnosis is Not:

Not mind control, nothing mystical or magical. Lee can’t make anybody do anything they don’t actually want to do and you are never out of it (it may look like it on TV) …actually you are very relaxed yet fully aware and will remember most of the experience. (All Hypnosis “Is” Self-Hypnosis)

What Hypnosis is:

Hypnosis is a natural state of mind that most everybody enters into at least once a day during the process of falling asleep, the moment the conscious mind and the subconscious meet and rem brain wave cycle begins. Also during the day when your conscious mind takes a back seat while the sub-conscious mind takes over… Ex. When you drive somewhere and you hardly remember the trip, or when you watch a movie or read a good book and loose track of time. After a session many people are surprised how quickly the time went by.

Our Sessions

During an initial session, Lee will share and demonstrate a simple two step relaxation technique that takes a few minutes to learn that the client can use any time, any place, anywhere in seconds. Working together puts one back in control (drivers seat) of ones mind (sub-conscious/emotions/habits-these are your driving factors). Another way to put it is we get the emotional/sub-conscious part of the client working with the logical/conscious side.

At Health Center of Hillsborough, we believe it’s time to Overcome Your Obstacles and break through those challenges that have held you back from achieving your success.
These are not limited to:

  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Drugs
  • Bereavement
  • Loss
  • Relationships
  • Food
  • Childhood Issues
  • Public Speaking
  • Relatives
  • Sports Performance


Rave Reviews:

I have known Lee Needham for over 17 years. He has been a rock for me during many an obstacle. His passion for getting to the root of the problem and coming up with a solution that is viable to the situation puts him in an elite class an a Hypnotherapist. I am truly grateful for his greatness.
Dr. Joe Kasper
Clinical Nutritionist & Professional Vitamin Formulator-Albuquerque
New Mexico

I was referred to Lee by an American Doctor because of my 20 year addiction to cigarette smoking. Shocked is the word I must use as Lee in only 1 session taught me how to give up my addiction. I am now one year smoke free and feel amazing!
Wendy Wen-Amsterdam

Lee was always very welcoming and very easy to talk to. He was always very personable and professional with each visit. The environment was always comfortable and he made you feel at ease through out the process. Lee would explain and go through each process of working through some of the most difficult issues and help me understand why they still existed. He helped me work through some very tough past experiences and find ways to address them and how to let them go and forgive and allow myself to move forward and grow. He works with you to break down the walls and barriers that we build to protect to help us get back to our true selves. I would definitely recommend Lee, he has a gift, let him help. He definitely helped me.
Carly Newburn


Hypnotherapist Lee Needham | (919) 241-5032