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Health Center of Hillsborough Reviews

Hands holding heartWhat Our Hillsborough Patients Say

At Health Center of Hillsborough we love when patients share with us their feedback and comments after chiropractic care. Please read our patient testimonials below to see what other people have achieved through their tailored treatment plans with us. Share your stories too! Click here to send us your feedback so that we can help to spread the word about the benefits of natural Health Center of Hillsborough care. For more information, or to schedule an appointment contact us today.

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Relief Of Tinnitus

“I first saw Dr. Paul Aaron in early March to begin treating the tinnitus I have had for a decade, which had recently gotten much worse advancing to level of 8 on a scale of 1-10 with 10 the worst. He began my treatment with a session of cranial sacral, guided relaxation and checked my supplements with Veronica assistance to see which ones might be making the tinnitus worse. After about 4 visits, the tinnitus had dropped to a level of 4 to my great delight!

I would highly recommend Dr. Paul Aaron to anyone suffering from tinnitus!”
– F.S.

The Gift To Receive His Adjustments

“Dr. Paul is a master chiropractor, and a master healer, pure and simple. I wonder if it’s possible to fully appreciate the years and of training, clinical experience, research, focus, persistence, refinement, and ultimately the integration of knowledge, skill and wisdom that culminates inside of a single adjustment. As with all masters, he makes it look so easy, yet as another chiropractor with 16 years of experience, I know for certain that it has not been easy, it is not simple. It’s a lifetime of hard won know how, and I for one am deeply grateful for the gift that it is to receive his adjustments.”
– Dr. B.F.

I Recommend Acupuncture with Dr. Aaron

“Referred by my VA primary care doctor I was being treated for a long period of low back pain and I have been seen by an orthopedist, and a neurosurgeon and have been taking oxycodone, hydrocodone, morphine, for pain with poor results.

I started my current treatment with acupuncture by Dr. Paul Aaron of the Health Center of Hillsborough. For the first time in a long time I can sleep at night and am able to walk about doing light work without all the pain meds. The acupuncture treatment is totally different from the treatment I had seven years ago. Dr. Aaron always checks me out to see how I am doing and adjusts his treatment to my needs for that day. On a scale of 1 to 10 my pain and discomfort is down to a 2-3 rather than the 7-8 that I have been. I would and have recommended acupuncture by Dr. Aaron to my neighbor and other friends that are having pain.”
– W.H.

I now rarely get migraines…

“I had been struggling with migraines and after seeing my primary care physician numerous times, trying various medicines through a neurologist, going for acupuncture. etc. – I met Dr. Aaron. Dr. Aaron took a thorough health history and assured me after our consultation that he thought he could help with my migraines. I was concerned with cost and Dr. Aaron and the staff worked with me in order for me to receive care. After a few visits, my migraines became less frequent and after a few short months, I now rarely get migraines. Dr. Aaron got to the root of my migraines and I am thrilled that I can get on with my life without the constant interruptions of migraines. I highly encourage migraine sufferers to meet Dr. Aaron for a consultation!”

A Grateful Mom!

When we first came to see Dr. Paul Aaron, my son was having a great deal of difficulty. He has been diagnosed as profoundly autistic, with many developmental delays. Since working with cranial techniques in the pool with Dr. Aaron, many of the early developmental gaps have been filling in. He has had virtually no toileting accidents, and is brushing his teeth and getting dressed with fewer prompts. He is so much more aware of the world around him now. The biggest change has been in his language. He is talking now. Real words that people can understand.
– A grateful mom


This is being typed a little more than 24 hours past the treatment and there’s just a whisper of the chronic pain I’ve been experiencing in my upper extremity. Well done Dr. Aaron.

As I laid upon my back in the treatment room with my eyes closed I noticed several changes. I’d been diagnosed with Parkinson’s (PD) a year ago and have a rather prevalent tremor in my right hand. The tremor was gone while my shoulder was being treated. I felt very relaxed and comfortable.
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Anyway, my right shoulder had been aching and since Dr. Aaron’s treatments had worked on my back, why not give the shoulder a shot? My shoulder had been MRI’ed which revealed a partially torn rotator cuff. Perhaps I’d sleep better or even hopefully be able to throw balls and sticks for our dog to retrieve.

Then it seemed as if my body on the right side had enlarged or inflated by about 1/3 normal. It also seemed as if the left side diminished by about 1/3. There seemed to be a cliff down the medial axis of my body. “This is weird,” I thought, “I hadn’t experienced anything like this during back treatments when I was laying face down.” I didn’t open my eyes to check my proprioception, deciding to simply enjoy the experience.

As I lay upon Dr. Aaron’s treatment table, I recalled as a boy, the experience of helping a friend’s dog which had encountered a porcupine. But the miniscule acupuncture needles in my shoulder were painless and barbless.

With my eyes still closed I began to see lights. They were about the size of a light bulb right in front of my eyes. Then they’d diminish and basically disappear, that is, until I seemed to be in a room other than the doctor’s office. I discovered myself being struck with the three dimensionality of the side walls and front wall meeting at the ceiling as I gazed up in this comfortable space that was covered in tapestry-like wall paper. It was two tone in color; predominantly in shades of orange and black.

As lights came on they’d diminish and rather than disappear into a speck they’d sort of morph into clouds and swirl around a bit. As I laid there I experienced the presence of Carol, my deceased wife. Perhaps the other lights were other family members or friends who have died. It was all confusing yet very peaceful.

At one time during the light show the tapestry on the front wall changed. It seemed to roll down from top to bottom, like a shade unwinding. The hues of orange and black persisted but the design changed. My body seemed to change shape too. I lost the cliff-like differentiation between my right and left side to the sense that I was wedge-shaped but the right side was still higher than my left.

I’m looking forward to getting poked again; perhaps I’ll have a similar experience.

– H.E.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

In September of 2012, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. I am happy to say that my symptoms are either gone completely or greatly decreased. The Health Center of Hillsborough has offered me great guidance, excellent health care, and has given me a new outlook on alternative approaches for treatment.

Before getting to the Health Center, the pain, joint swelling, low energy and weakened immune system from the prescribed medicine was preventing me from enjoying life as I once knew it. I was unsure about what my body would be able to do in the future if it was already this bad. It was then that I decided to look into a more holistic approach for care.

In April of 2013, I began treatment at the Health Center. Dr. Aaron and his staff did an outstanding job answering my questions and explaining the care plan for treatment. Dr. Aaron discussed with me how acupuncture, along with supplements and diet could make a difference. While I was open to this, I have to admit I was a little leery of being able to resume normal activity. But I have.
– N.W.

Treating the Whole Person

Dr. Paul Aaron has a long history of tending to people’s health needs. His practice has roots in everything from medical school training to esoteric breath work and thoroughly covers the gamut in between. He has a three-ring binder in his office full of testimonies from myriad patients, which evidence the breadth and depth of his skill. That he would be able to assist me was never a doubt. The thing that impressed me the most again and again about Dr. Aaron is the profound and genuine respect he has for the human body. And the thing that has touched me most since I began seeing him is his profound and genuine respect for me as a person. For helping me heal everything from the petty nuisances to the serious traumas, and for treating me like a whole person in the process, I am eternally grateful.
– L.E.

Back pain and headaches

Becoming a patient of Dr. Paul Aaron has transformed my life. Never before had I sought health care from a chiropractor, yet I had been interested in alternative health care and alternative medicine for many years. The adjustments have eased the pain in my back, and the acupuncture gives me a feeling a well-being. In addition, he has shared his knowledge of trigger point therapy, and I am now experiencing fewer and less severe headaches. Thank you!
– R.P.

Childhood injury

I’m seeing Dr. Aaron for care regarding years of headaches due to an injury from childhood. In the past, and even at the beginning of the work with Dr. Aaron, I kept my presence out in front of me. It seemed to be a way to protect myself. After, working with chanting during the adjustment, I pulled my presence inward into the middle of my head to be fully in awareness of the shifts taking place within my body. It was remarkable, the change in my response to the adjustments. I felt the subtle shifts not only of the tissues but also the energy around the areas under adjustment. Dr. Aaron’s work and care allowed me to trust the changes I was experiencing, and internalize those changes. Expect those changes and more toward wholeness.
– R.M.

Great Center

“I love your center. I felt so cared for by each staff person. I can’t wait to bring my whole family back!”
– E.F.

Attentive Doctor

“Dr. Aaron was attentive in my needs and will hopefully be able to relieve my pain issues.”
– P.L.


Reviews for Health Center of Hillsborough | (919) 241-5032